Every business professional faces problems. How you approach them determines how well you solve them. If your behavior is to avoid problems hoping they will go away, this episode of the Business Wingmen is for you.
Communicating effectively means getting your message delivered to the people you speak to. If they walk away thinking you meant something different than you said, your message did not go through effectively.
One of the biggest detriments to a successful business or career is lack of accountability. There are many reasons why people are not accountable for their responsibilities or work output. So, how do you turn around a workplace that lacks accountability?
The term, 'word salad' has been popularized recently as a way to describe people who can't speak plainly or coherently. But this term has much deeper roots and reasons for happening and it happens with lots of people, maybe even you!
Proactive communication is all about thinking ahead. Are your communications; in-person conversations, emails, texts, etc. conveying your total message or just enough to answer someone else's questions? When you communicate with purpose and completeness, you are being proactive.
Are you making a lasting impression? Business people are in such a hurry today to get things done that their interactions have a 'transactional' look and feel. If you want to have a greater impact with your business relationships and become more valuable to the people you work with, learning how to make a lasting impression will be a game changer on your long term success.
Letting your emotions dictate what you say in the heat of an argument can cause you to go into damage control mode. It's all about responding vs reacting to situations that push your buttons.
AuthorSteve Smith and Travis Smith are experienced professionals with a combined 55 years in business. They are also father and son. Together, they explore the many facets of professional development and business success. Categories
February 2023